Buzzing Off

Ratting again on the pole in our chicken area. Good for him. 

I think what's been happening in England with the covid mutation is so scary. Plans are being cancelled right left and centre for safety's sake which is right. Am trying to think of Christmas Day as being just another day but I am luckier than most with my kids being here but cannot help being sad. My parents up in Yorkshire miles away alone without a Christmas dinner no matter how hard I tried; I'm not with my brother and not with our friends BUT many people are alone and in dire situations - really dire and my heart goes out to them. 

My heart also goes out to people who have lost loved ones this year and are having to cope with all this. So horrid.

I really feel for the guys in the trucks at the docks and am wondering how they are coping with no food, water or toilets. 

I could continue but think I will leave it there. I'm buzzing off .....

So many issues and who could have seen this lot coming a year ago?!

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