Birffday Girl

No 1 Grandaughter is 23 tomorrow but the family had a
nice lunch for her today, as she is off out painting the
town mulitcolors tonight, and will not be fit for anything
tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!! I asked her what sort of B'day cake she
would like, and she wanted Lemon Meringue Pie so that's
what I made for her, isnt she a funny one :-))) If you look
closer you can see Bug too...
Do any of you lovely blippers like kite flying ? Well I love
my kite but I am not very good at it, well we found this guy
on UTube he is just awesome, it's called the music is good too. As some of you know
Im useless at doing links sorry. Thanks so much for you good
wishes for Mr Lem, he's a bit better today, not at deaths door
anymore HAHAHA
We have had a few flurries of snow today, and its quite nippy
Hope your all having a lovely day.

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