Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

We did it

Woodchips arrived this morning. We were first on the list, I guessed we would be as our delivery was meant to have happened on Friday.

But we managed to get the giant bag emptied into smaller bags to carry round the back and deliver to eggworts.

Happy chickens, happy chicken mummy.

Little Mouse has been learning all their names recently. A 4 year old saying myrtle is the cutest thing ever.

I did marzipan the Christmas cake but I didn't get the Christmas tree up or even down from the loft.

Tomorrow we need to clear the way to tumble drier for the repair man on wednesday, I also need to make the icing so I can finish the cake.

This is not a restful week off work at all :(

Why does everyone else seem to get a chance to have sit down!?

Seriouly do the males of the species not notice all the work that still needs to be done!?

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