A Beacon of Light

This was the welcoming light of Maggie’s greeting me as I took my baking there on this dark Monday morning, the winter Solstice.
To anyone seeking solace in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis or in the middle of gruelling treatment it must seem like a beacon of hope on a dark journey. Inside it’s even more bright and cheerful, giving uplifting colour and comfort with the modern Nordic furnishings for the people coming to the centre.

With the restrictions of the new lockdown starting on Boxing Day there will be no face to face appointments there, only telephone or FaceTime ones and presumably the baking will have to be minimalist, although I know that the oncology nurses over the road in the main hospital will no doubt be happy to oblige by consuming the surplus.

I had a very welcome coffee later in the morning with my school friend when I handed over the Fairisle beanie she commissioned. We plan to meet in the middle of next month in Princes Street Gardens with our own flasks of coffee....... I might make it gin.
We seem to be back in square one.

Needless to say I received a Christmas card today from someone I missed putting on my outbox list. Sending one now smacks of desperation to appear as if they were always on the A list but I will do it, however not this afternoon because the rain has started and it looks very miserable and chilly out there. The card may get there by New Year if I’m lucky.

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