
By Veronica

Reading matter

However locked down we are, I am never short of it. Enjoying the Linda Grant at present: recommended if you have ever lived in London.

We actually went for a walk today ... the sun came out as forecast after lunch, so we walked along the back road towards Ribaute, meeting T half-way and then wandering back towards home with her while chatting. It was also an opportunity to hand over a sample of clandestine bacon. It was lovely to get out, enjoy the sunshine, and have a chat as we haven't seen each other for ages.

We finished the final series of Detectorists yesterday evening. Thanks everyone for urging us to persevere -- we loved it. Such real and touching characters, and once you get to know them it is laugh-out-loud funny, while still being tender and perceptive. We will miss them all. My only quibble with it is that we were annoyed by the portrayal of the only actual archaeologist in the series. No real archaeologist would behave like that. Finding a well-preserved Roman mosaic in Britain is rare enough that any archaeologist would be thrilled. We waited for the subplot where he got sacked and Andy got his job, but it didn't happen. Very disappointing.to see this just pass as if it was to be expected. Oh also, no Roman or Saxon artefacts come out of the ground that clean and sparkling :)

So now we need to find something else cosy to watch ...

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