Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Nee naw, nee naw, nee naw.

Oooh. Drama round here today.

A few years back I would have said it was the BBC filming another episode of casualty (and as someone who doesn't watch it; I missed the on filmed outside our house); but they've buggered off to Cardiff.

So that meant real police cars.

Yesterday we had 2 drive past when Ciarán and me were walking back from dropping John off at nursery; and they saw Ciarán looking so on went the flashing lights.

Not sure what they were up to; but today there is an abandonded car in the middle of the street. Apparently happened around 9am this morning some idiot going far to fast and somehow managed to hit one parked car, then flip right round to smash into another on the other side of the road.

Not sure what happened next, but as the police now have the road blocked from both ends; about 3 hours later - I suspect they may have legged it.

The joys of living in a city I guess.

It's trying to snow here at the moment, so I think lot's of wintery food today, and watch some rugby; whilst praying for another Hartlepool win in the football. Fingers crossed.

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