
By GrahamMcArthur


I went shopping for a camera bag and came home disappointed. Not a one did I like. I will need one soon because pootling around carrying camera and lenses unprotected is not much fun. I did manage to get four semi almost acceptable shots on the phone while dodging shop assistants and buskers in the Mall. I went with the one above for the blip after giving it a very thorough self critique using the Nano Nano method of eenie, meenie, minie moe. This 5 second examination does the trick every time.
The rejected offerings can be seen for a short time in my Blipfolio before finding their way into my filling system via the trash can Never keep anything if you can throw it away] Blipfoto only allows 2 links in a post so...Cotton Shades Cross Cut with Saturday Concerto the next image along. Chair Red is here

Tomorrow I am at the Track for most of the day and into the night. Chaos is certain, a blip a mere possibility. Fingers crossed that I will, on the fourth day, get my grubby little fingers around that new camera.

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