
By photosbylt

One year...

since I said good-bye to my mom.
Watched her brother's funeral livestreamed from his church in northern Wisconsin. We really wanted to be there, but like most this year, we missed a special event.

I am having issues with my camera. I am hoping it is a setting I changed, but I am sure it isn't. Sometimes the monitor does not turn on both to preview settings and to view a photo just taken. I charged the battery fully to make sure it wasn't a power issue. I would have liked to go to the camera shop where I purchased it today but the stores in our town were very busy. I am thinking a Monday morning visit as soon as they open will be better. I took many photos today just testing setting on my camera, a few purposely aimed at the backyard visitors. I like the window framing the bird feeder. In the extras: the squirrel taunting Miya for at least 30 minutes from a perch out of reach; the goldfinches taking over the thistle feeders. 

Seven sleeps until Christmas with all my kids home. My son won't be here until the 26th.
Thanks for all the stars and kind words over the last week as I share in my heavy heart of missing mom and the passing of my uncle. Joy is in the house too (and in the backyard!). I wish you all a safe season with the loved ones you are able to be with.

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