How is this safe????????????????????

Today Ann went out for lunch (for the first time since September) with one friend. She sat 'outside' in a converted ski gondola. The table between Ann and her friend (Janice) was about 40cms wide. Ann & Janice had a lovely lunch. Ann had Haddock & chips & a Diet Coke and Janice had Fish Pie & a glass of water, and it was all very yummy. 

…...............BUT why couldn't they have a glass of wine with their meal? They only had the table booked for 2 hours and lets face it, how drunk can anyone get in two hours and being able to serve alcohol would really help out the hospitality industry enormously.

…...............BUT seriously.......................

…................How on earth can the Government think that sitting in an 'enclosed ski gondola outside' is safer than sitting on separate sofas inside a private home??? Just look at the tape measure. We'd be 2m 40cms apart if we were actually allowed to have anyone in our house.  ................But sitting 40cms apart in a restaurant is OK????????????

The world has gone mad!

…...................And then Ann got home just in time to watch Boris with his bad haircut and Nicola with her high heeled shoes, telling us all that Christmas was cancelled!!!!!

…................Oh and Nicola has put Scotland into lock down from Boxing Day until the 11th January??? To say Ann is angry is an understatement?!!!

Unfortunately Ann hasn't got the energy to do any more ranting tonight.

We're both off to bed soon.

Toodles xxxxxxxxx

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