River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Eleanor Rigby?

Early morning check on my DNA cousins list, could not believe my eyes when I saw Eleanora Rigby on a relative’s family tree from the Southern Hemisphere - to protect everyone’s privacy I cropped many names out then used “stickers” to fill empty spaces ... then my favourite filter ...
Apologies again!! Stormy weather, thundery rain and no photos taken ...
BUT ... I have news of Philip the Pheasant, fit and well and very busy hoovering up the seeds under the bird feeders :-))
Nice phone chats with The Sailor and with Cousin Idris as he took his Human for a walk in the marshy woods - he was a very good boy x
Wales, along with the rest of the UK is going into Tier 4 lockdown at midnight tonight, the new highly infectious strain of COVID-19 is spreading in Wales, take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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