Lazy light

A trip to the gym this morning, first time my legs have felt tired ahead of my chest, which I'm hoping means I'm finally clearing the last remnants of the chest infection. For a while it looked as if I was on for an implausible 2020 10km personal best on the cross trainer but in the end I was a minute slower. Still, there are 12 days left....

When I emerged from the gym there was a fab rainbow (1st extra) , but by the time I was back in Orton it was mostly vile. Missy's little face however always makes Goretex seem like a good investment so later on we wrapped up against the stiff wind and driving rain and headed out... perhaps sensing we weren't for giving in, or possibly we deserved some encouragement, the weather gods gave us a little window of bearable. As we turned East towards the monument the view South was a masterwork of light across the steep age softened flanks of the Howgills, and I knew I had today's blip.
On our last leg we turned North and the veiw East (2nd extra*) strongly suggested we pick up the pace. It hit just as the car doors slammed shut.

*which I fully appreciate makes it look like we live in Mordor.

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