
When Izzy announced she'd be staying in Manchester for a few months - as opposed to one of her usual places of work such as South Sudan - I think we all envisaged lots of fun evenings out, eating and drinking in Salford and Manchester. Of course, it hasn't worked out that way.

In fact, the last two times Izzy and I have been met up, it's been at Mancoco, just near Deansgate. We can't go inside, of course, but the takeaway coffee is great. However, whereas last time we went for a walk by the locks, today the weather was foul - windy and rainy - so we just sat under the arches and drank our coffees.

It was a mixed sort of rendezvous, really. On the one hand, I found it heartbreaking when Izzy told me how lonely she's been feeling but, actually, for the most part, she was characteristically interesting and funny. When she laughs, I'm, taken back to the intense little toddler she was, always with her heart on sleeve but also always up for a joke.

No scales
Reading: 'Troubled Blood' by Robert Galbraith

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