Sunrise from Maungawhau

This is another Saturday sunrise.

I had decided last night that going to the summit of Maungawhau would offer the best view of the sunrise. That is how it turned out; because of the extensive cloud cover there would have been few places where much would have been seen. Even here, there was only a thin band of colour before the sun came up. I chose this particular photo as I liked that almost the full orb is visible.

While I was sitting waiting for the sun to rise, and keeping an eye on the sky over the top of Remuwera (Mount Hobson), a couple arrived with a hand made banner protesting the 1,000 days that Bradley Manning has been in custody. They had an animated conversation with a couple who had been walking, and I also spoke with them. They told the other couple (when challenged as to what was the use of what they were doing), that they would photograph their banner (tied to the trig station) and put it on facebook.

I was interested to note that they had included in it one of the messages also posted by the maker of the Local Thoughts. When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. They have not seen any as they rarey come into the centre of Auckland.

A full day of administration today, punishment for ignoring things for too long. Most of it is now done, so that is good.

For those of you with a poetry interest, I am giving a link to my darling S' latest publication which is in an online poetry site.

This is definitely better large

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