I didn't know they ate these!
I love chickadees. They are the most cheery little birds and this one managed to get into the feeder before the squirrels and blue jays showed up. But really , I haven't actually seen one with anything other than sunflowers ,which pack a lot of calories and seems be their preferred feeder food. I guess this one decided to have some variety in his life. I took this at lunchtime, since I worked form home Thursday this week as well as my usual two days at home , because there was no way I was driving in while the snow was coming down at 2 inches an hour. It tapered off rather quickly after 9 o'clock and stopped entirely a little after 10. So I ducked out at lunch to see what was out there. The feeders have been pretty busy .
The extra is a shot of our deck -we only got 27 inches , my RN got 42. I have to say since the forecast had been for 11-14 finding 2 feet in the AM after we shoveled 6-8 in off the driveway the night it started was a bit surprising.
I am posting this on Friday because I did not take any photos today having spent from 8AM to 6 PM on the computer with patients and messages to answer and all that jazz.
The second extra was a little pine siskin , too cute not to post.
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