
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Last day of term is how it felt at work today, although I am going in Monday/Tuesday next week. 

The thing is, most people are not, and also it was the big Kainga Ora Xmas Party Extravaganza tonight so not much work was getting done and there was a lot of hilarity. 

"Are you going to the party?" asked Gromit, but I told her that I was going drinking with some MPI people instead.

"Traitor!" she said. And showed me a picture of her costume (there's a theme this year of "Where You Would Go If You Could Travel"). She was dressed as Cleopatra. 

I have to say, Gromit does not do things by halves.

But anyway, it was true. I didn't even plan to go in to the office today. I took the train at lunchtime (as you can see in today's picture) purely so that I could meet up with Lemon and Steve the Scouser and Caro for drinks at Trax. 

Trax is the pub attached to the train station. This was Lemon's idea. She is an eminently practical person. 

Lemon was on excellent form and kept us entertained (as usual) with tales of her family.

"The Boy has learned to swear," she told us. "It's not good. His kindy teacher asked him not to use language like that in front of the other little boys and girls."

"F*** YOU!" he told her. And the parents were brought in for a bit of a chat.

Lemon blamed her son. "That's where The Boy gets it from!" she told us. So Lemon stepped in and told The Boy that it was ONLY okay to swear if it was directed at his father. 

"So now when he leaves the house, he goes, 'Bye Gwanny! Bye Mummy! F*** you dad!'," said Lemon.

She seemed quite proud of her accomplishment. 

Because we are lightweights and because we had an hour-long journey back to Paraparaumu, we dispersed at 8pm, meaning we had time to relax and eat a pizza before bedtime. 

I thought about my Kainga Ora colleagues, grooving away while dressed in berets with onions or with corks dangling from their hats and decided that I had made a good decision to be a traitor.


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