Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Delivered ... at last

Three weeks and two days to get there but the Christmas parcel made it safely to Canada ... for which I am very grateful. Delighted actually.

Good catch up with an old colleague in Edinburgh on the phone. Lovely to talk. One of those friendships that just slips on easily, like a favourite cardigan, no matter how long it has been since last contact.

Theoretically my last day at work before Christmas and new year ... in practice ...

Dylan got shut in the wardrobe for several hours. But he didn’t seem bothered. He had a pile of comfy clothes to sleep on.

Despite TSM having had a long day of more Covid vax prep, we went to a big local M&S tonight and got some seasonal "essentials". It was good to get out but I felt strangely anxious even ‘though the place was deserted.

I had a late night Star Trek (original series) binge watching session when we got home and rocked to bed at half past midnight ... for me that is like an all nighter ... but I did get to hear Mr Spock say that "the area of penetration will no doubt be sensitive" which is a gem of a line ...

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