New .....
...... Orchid!
This was gifted from "A" yesterday. I choose this one as I hadn't had one before. I really hope that I can keep this one. I've had really good success in the past but this year I've lost 3 don't know what happened didn't treat them any different to previously ( maybe they caught the Virus!!!)
I did this and that this morning including yet more sweeping up of leaves. It has been wet and dull here lights on till late morning . I went to the hairdressers for 2 pm, only to find I'd mixed the days and it's tomorrow? Oops , never mind hey.
I'm not feeling to good today but can't put my finger on why so maybe hairdressers will be better tomorrow.
Hope you've all managed to have a good safe day.
Grateful ..... for a chair by the fire tonight.
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