Light over Hoy (Day 2037)

This morning I was supposed to be heading to town to change a hot water cylinder, but I got a message late last night from the customer saying their friend had done the job for them. A bit frustrating, as I turned down a couple of jobs because I wouldn't have time this week. Such is life.
There is usually a list of non-urgent jobs to get to, so this morning I visited a customer in Rendall who had a bit of a leaky shower and also wanted an easier way of switching off their incoming water main. Nice to spend the morning doing a bit of straightforward plumbing.
Home for lunch and a wander at Lyde with my beautiful wife and the woofers. The light over Hoy was nice, but showers chased us back to the car.
A little later, as HV zoomed off to work, I headed to Stromness to deal with another leak (which turned out to be water splashing out of the basin). There was time before the last job of the day for me to get along to the shed and get the van washed.

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