Deer oh Deer

Not the most exciting end to the term. It all felt a bit flat really. We did a socially distanced sharing of lucky dip gifts in the hall at 8.30 then tried to keep the children occupied until hometime. We’ve got 3 Jehovah’s witnesses in our class who constantly tell us what they can and can’t do, didn’t want the presents we gave them and wouldn’t watch the pantomime. They’re 4 years old.
Carly our TA left and I meant to blip her but forgot so you’ve got a photo of a toilet roll reindeer with Carly in the background. I was pleased that some of the parents had a whip round and bought her a present and we got her a JL voucher from the staff. She’s been volunteering and then working at our school for over 7 years and both her girls were pupils but our Head Teacher didn’t even come and say goodbye.
Anyway, home for the holidays so I’m putting it all behind me for 2 weeks. We got a voucher each from the parents and lots of other gifts so I shall focus on the positive and make the most of my 2 weeks off.

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