Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Four Thousand

A milestone Blipday - 4,000 entries.

Almost 11 years - I was a “camera at Christmas = New Year start” Blipper so I consider then my major anniversary.

But 4000 days is a long time to keep at it - with only two days ever missed (intentionally).

My photography journey begins with these walking boots in the shot. I bought them to go on a wilderness experience which changed my life completely - a leadership research project called Natural Change. On it, exploring my connection to nature, I discovered photography. It was the way I was able to capture the beauty and emotion of what I was experiencing.

From that, came my first DSLR camera...and then, as a way of learning to use the camera, I joined that original Blip community.

Sadly, these boots are coming to the end of their road - they leak massively. They have kept me sure-footed over so many miles and we share so many stories. Faithful companions indeed.

But I almost feel like I’m only really getting started with my photography - I want to study it more and spend more time on it. The DSLR in shot is my new one - and I’ve yet to get to grips with it properly. I’m ever-inspired by this amazing space - huge thanks to everyone behind the scenes who keep it running and have held true to the original community vision. And to everyone who stops by and comments - I’m so grateful. There are so many incredibly talented photographers on here - I learn so much from all of you!

Big love to all. Stay safe. Stay well. Here’s to the next 4K! x

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