Red Squirrel



Another busy, complicated and frustrating day. Thank goodness it's Friday. It's been one of those weeks. Luckily tomorrow I'm off out for lunch and a first meet up with a friend - I'm really looking forward to some R & R!

Again it's an emergency blip, my second this week. I have a 'thing' about bunches of grapes - I have NO real idea why! All I've discovered is that they've been regarded over the centuries as a symbol of abundance and fertility and that the Chinese apparently hang them in their kitchens - which is a bit of a coincidence, as I have them in numerous places in my kitchen too! I simply see something beautiful and almost perfect in their structure (though they have to be purple ones), and in the sinuous twining of the vines they grow on. I have bunches of artificial ones hanging from the beams in the kitchen. Once I'd chosen the tiles for the cooking area, I even had grape-laden vines bake-stencilled along the tops of the tiles which would form the top row .....
So today my blip is the tiny ceramic 'shelf' on my kitchen wall, which I fell in love with and had to buy many years ago, topped with a small blue wax-dripped bottle and a tiny purple candle in it.

EDIT: Damn! According to Blipfoto this is my 600th blip. Yesterday it said 598 after I'd blipped, so by my reckoning tomorrow should be 600. I had something specific planned for 600, so maybe I'll still blip it tomorrow anyway!

Have a great weekend fellow-blippers! xxx

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