
By Miffy

The Night…


The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn together in the night sky above NZ.

Jupiter, the brightest of these two planets in the photo, and Saturn will move closer and closer until they appear together in what is being called the Great Conjunction. For NZ that will be at 2am on December 22nd 2020. 

This event happens about once every 20 years, but the closeness of the two planets makes this a very rare conjunction. The last time Saturn and Jupiter were this close to each other was in 1623.
The two planets won’t appear this close to each other again until 2080.

Best viewing of the two planets is in large - then they will really glow.

Unfortunately tonight’s sky is covered in cloud and it isn’t looking promising for all of next week so I am using this photo which was taken late last night as I want this amazing sight recorded in my Blip journal.

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s shattered thrush egg.

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