Amser i sylwi ar bethau bach

Amser i sylwi ar bethau bach ~ Time to notice little things

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Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i'r blwch post heddiw gydag un cerdyn Nadolig olaf, i dal y post olaf. Roedd y strydoedd yn dawel iawn, nid oedd neb o gwmpas a dim sain ceir chwaith.  

Mae'n edrych fel yr adar ifanc yn colli eu plu ar hyn o bryd - o leiaf roedd un wedi gadael pluen ar ôl mewn llwyn. Mae'n un o'r pethau fy mod i'n gwerthfawrogi am gerdded ac yn tynnu ffotograffau.  Mae amser i sylwi ar bethau bach.

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I had to go to the post box today with one last Christmas card, to catch the last post. The streets were very quiet, there was no one around and no sound of cars either.

It looks like the young birds are losing their feathers at the moment - at least one had left a feather behind in a bush. It's one of the things that I appreciate about walking and taking photographs. There is time to notice little things.


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