Front Door.

Foloh put a little hook on the front door for the wreath. A friend makes us one every year and we used to put it on the house wall but I noticed the rhododendron  had grown and so only half was visible. It looks very nice we think and so do the birds. He was horrified to find a finch feasting on the berries..
I had an eventful day yesterday. Pain started mid afternoon. I tried various remedies for indigestion but nothing helped, Then I started being really sick, so a phone call to 111. My previous experience of this service was that it was very slow, however last night they were helpful and soon we were on way to Invergordon Hospital. The Nurse was lovely. It was gallstones and armed with painkillers we were home by about midnight. 
I feel a bit delicate but so much better today.
Because of the virus poor Foloh had to wait out in the car all the time I was in. He has been very good to me today, bringing cups of tea and a light lunch.

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