My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Unexpected drama

A couple of unexpected things happened today.

Firstly, the tree we were having taken down today couldn’t be done today as it has moved since the tree man assessed the job. It’s become dangerous so more specialist equipment is needed to bring it down safely. Urgh.

Secondly, just after the tree man left, I sat down for a cuppa. The phone rang and I had a moment of panic when I saw who was calling... L’s school. She’s had an accident.

She’s fallen in the playground and gashed nasty hole in her chin. She was very brave.

I tried dressing it but wasn’t happy with my work so took her down to Urgent Care where they glued it together (along with changing my steri-strips - although she did say I’d done a good job).

Bless lovely little L, she coped very well even though she had a very understandable whimper and she says she is scared of her ouch. Lots of tlc, calpol and an early night tonight.

This afternoon we played some little games. Mr Messi-cat took quite an interest in the spinner for the Build a Beetle game.

An expected thing that happened was that my dad had the first vaccine dose. Hooray!

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