'Where's your spoon, Euan?'

'Here it is!'

I was planning on a family blip for my 4000th but weather, naps, zoom meetings and parents working five hours ahead of their colleagues in the States conspired against that.  Instead we have another Euan blip, basically the most important person in our World.  Those of you who drop by regularly will know that we missed out on our visit to the States in Spring, as many others across the World missed out on those looked forward to visits, events, holidays etc.  So, it was just the best when Euan's Mummy and Daddy decided to come over, quarantine and then spend several weeks with us.  We have now had two weeks of fun with this young man.

Today he has eaten a full bowl of last night's lasagne for his lunch and polished off a banana muffin.  He was entertaining us by hiding his spoon under his table and then, when prompted, revealing it to great laughter.

With eleven years of blipping on the horizon, I never tire of this wonderful site.  Thank you to the many friends I have made over the time.  I am still hoping to visit some of you when we get through this present situation.  I am sorry not to be commenting at the moment, but by the time Euan goes to bed, we are too clapped out to do anything more!  

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