
By KaliBug

Full Of Hobbies

Today's challenges were hobbies (mine) and full (missymoo's) so this is my bin with some of my finished kandi in it. (thins is going to be a very long entry because I have a lot of explaining to do.) First of all, these beaded bracelets are called kandi or rave kandi they are only called this if 1. you are a raver (i.e. someone who goes to raves or associates with the rave scene) or 2. a raver gives one to you. (otherwise they're just beaded bracelets.) O.K. so now that we got that part down... a rave looks like this and I'm part of pulsar (a rave company) this one of the raves we put on last year and this is the "sequel" that I'll be going to on March 9th O.K. now that we have covered those bases.. and I have hopefully educated some of you who actually take the time to read my entries.... I'm going to tell you about my first kandi(s)

I was a Freshman in high school and I was in my Algebra 2 class with a bunch of Seniors.. one of them, named cat, was a really good friend of mine.. she told me that she would be moving to Texas in a bout a week. Her last day at school, we had lunch together at Sherri's and she showed me how to do the "PLURRY Kiss" which is the most common name given to the handshake that ravers use when trading kandi.

Step 1. 1 or both of the participants decided which bracelet to give
Step 2. Both participants make peace signs and touch the fingers of the peace signs together with the other person (it's important that they do so with the arm wearing the bracelet they are giving)
Step 3. Both participants make half a heart (with the same hand as before) and touch them together
Step 4. Both participants hold their hands flat up in the air against each other and if one used their left hand and the other used their right, you can wrap your thumb around their hand (like a hand hug)
Step 5. Directly from step 4, interlace your fingers with the other participant. DO NOT LET GO YET!
Step 5. Slide the bracelet you wanted to give them off your wrist and onto their (via the bridge of your interlaced fingers) and if they are also giving you one, let them slide their bracelet onto your wrist via the same way.

O.K. now you all now how to properly trade kandi.

Anyways, we did that and then she gave me a bracelet (my first kandi because she raved) to remember her by... I still have that kandi..

Ok now to explain how this is a hobby... well... I literally have a tackle box full of beads, 2 "bead kits" full of beads, and 2 boxes of my own filled with beads.... I make kandi all the time.. generally speaking.. they are more intracate than just a single because I like a challenge and I like showing fellow ravers what I am capable of making. Another important thing to know about ravers is that they try to live by a motto called P.L.U.R. meaning peace love unity and respect, which is a shorter version of the older motto P.L.U.R.R. which is peace love unity respect and responsibility.

I have since been to many raves and traded many pieces of kandi with fellow ravers and some people who aren't ravers too.. I love this life... this PLUR life... I looove the rave mantra

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