There is sacred light in everything

I heard this phrase on ‘Thought for the day’ yesterday - what you might call the UK’s public broadcaster daily god spot homily. But there are interesting and engaging and rather elipitical contributions.

This one was to honour Hanukkah. It ended with the speaker recalling how after the death of his mother a greengrocer, on learning this terrible news from the boy’s father, said, ‘Wait, wait just there a second’ and reappeared with a potted primrose and put it into the boy’s hands.

This brought an unexpected tear to my eye. There was almost a sense of desperate abandon in the way the rabbi (I didn’t catch his name) told it. As if unsure. It was this absence of solemnity, the risk taking, that made a poignant anecdote come to life.

Today here at 500m elevation started cold damp and wet silk layers of grey. As I opened an upstairs shutter the sun broke through and with the window open I stood with my bare back in the warming golden rays of our homely star.

This was more like sacred light bloody everywhere.

In the hard weeks to come I guess we’ll all need as much of it as we can garner from the extraordinary times we are living through.

There. My own little homily. But I hope you get my drift.

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