Mad Sky

Snow in the North.  
Think I like the extra shot more.

Government has announced it is temporarily suspending it's "go to travel campaign" it has been promoting that gave discounts to people travelling to tourist destinations.  They're also saying that there is no conclusive proof that this campaign has caused the spike in covid infection numbers.  Doctors in Tokyo are saying they are beyond for serious cases.  Go to eat campaign is still on.  An absolute lock down isn't possible due to the constitution but no state of emergency this time even though numbers are way beyond what they were last time the state of emergency was declared.  Some vague promises to help out restaurants and businesses affected using language that sounds like the people running these business should be grateful for receiving anything despite the fact that the government exists on money from pubic taxes.    

So UK people, you don't have an absolute monopoly on clowns.

But we're all alright....and look at that sky!

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