
I only took the one picture today and it is far from what I was after ..... it isn't as waving as I was after.

I dug out the spiralling machine for making 'that ' calendar from the loft  - and found that there has been a rodent in the loft so the traps are now loaded with chocolate.

I failed to remember how to get the spirals to fit into the cut holes and had to look up the instructions on-line.

I failed to make the cutting jig properly (I was out by a millimetre or two) so had to carefully cut the prints by hand.

I failed to work out that the first 3 images in the pile of cut out pictures were upside down which resulted in all the pictures have the holes punched at the bottom instead of the top. So I have had to reprint all the pictures - I failed to have enough of the paper I wanted to print them on so had to use a lesser product. Tomorrow I will have to recut the pictures and make sure I punch the holes on the correct edge.

The time at the lathe wasn't such a failing (even with the two escapes).

The biggest - and most embarrassing - failure was serving up a sandwich to SWMBO for lunch when she had asked for soup.
That one will take some living down I can tell you.

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