Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Early market at the market

It was a relief not to have to fill out an attestation this morning.  I was down at the market early as it is quieter and safer.  At least everyone has to wear a mask even though the Covid numbers have come down.  That seems eminently sensible to me. I looked for one or two Christmas items in the supermarket and came away with some stollen and macarons. I noticed that the capons are much more expensive that the turkeys so I expect it will be the latter I get. I might get some pannatone as well as no Christmas baking has been done this year. After a walk, I met the electrician at church. He upped the amps on the supply and we discussed other jobs that need doing. I thought we would have received our grant by now but they want yet another piece of paper before they release the money - the invoices all translated into French and the amounts converted into euros.  This has only been going on for two years!

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