Pendower Beach

OMG! We've been soooo busy today.

Ann wanted to buy loads of purple accessories for our new kitchen so off we went to 'Dunelm Mill' to buy them. Unfortunately 'Dunelm Mill' did not have the 'Morphy Richards' purple toaster that Ann wanted so that made her cross because she didn't want to buy a load more purple stuff if it didn't match.

Living in Cornwall is fabulous. Not having access to zillions of shops is not!!!

So all Ann bought at 'Dunelm Mill' were some 'poo bags' for me. And then off we went to 'Pendower Beach' so that I could have a good run about. I didn't have a good run about because the tide was coming in!!!!!

Soooooooooo after that, Ann said we'll go to 'The Range' & 'Tesco Extra' and then I'll take you for another walk in 'Tehidy Woods'. So that's what we did.

Anyway, once we got home, Ann ordered a load of stuff off 'Amazon' - almost £200's worth to be precise?!! Do we really need purple 'Morphy Richard pans' - is anyone going to see them?!!! So really we've spent a day driving around all over the county when Ann could have just sat at a laptop in the first place. Duh!!!

However, at least we've managed to blip another 'P' place for our 'Cornish P's Challenge'.

............And also one of our very good friends has just signed up to be a BLIPPER. Check out Val & Jules. I'm sure they'll be posting fabulous blips from around Cornwall.

To see Phillack Towans - Cornish P28 - Look here.

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