
By jp70

Stressful Day

Today was his annual "xmas shopping day", we had intended to drop (not so) little one at college then go for a long walk followed by lunch somewhere before Tier 3 closures.

We dropped him off, then the carpark where we wanted to walk was full, so we started to think of somewhere else, then it rained. We saw 3 rainbows and decided there must be angels watching over us today.

Instead of the walk, we went to see his mum, she was unwell so we sorted her out and it was lunchtime already.

We managed a lunch, halfway through that we got a call to say that the district nurse would be going in to see his mum, so we had to go back there and then it was time for college pick up.

This was my beer at lunch. Zero alcohol. It was very nice. Just about the nicest bit of today.

I'm so tired now. But we were right about those angels. They definitely helped us get through the day.

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