
By dfb24

"A Portrait of Someone You Admire"...

...the theme for MonoMonday, and there's no one I admire more than my husband. It's been three years and four months since we received the news that rocked our world.....the man who had never been sick a day in his life, had never spent a night inside a hospital, had an incurable form of leukemia. I'd just retired less than a year before, & all our plans for travelling, for visiting the kids & grandkids out of state, for visiting Tom's family all went out the window. I read once that nothing highlights the true character of a person like hardship & that's so true. Once the initial shock wore off, he was, & still is, so matter-of-fact about all the tests, the blood draws, the port placement, the endless rounds of chemo. He so rarely complains & if he does I know it's something really awful. He's always trying to show me how things work so that I'll know what to do once he's not here, and his wonderful sense of humor hasn't dimmed in the least. We drove past a cemetery on our way to the clinic, and he said "I'm really glad my dad left me a plot in this cemetery, because it's such a good one"!  Me: "WHAT'S a good one, the plot or the cemetery"? And he said "The cemetery, of course, because people are always dying to get in"!   That's my Tom!    :))   Thanks to CarolinaV for hosting this month.
( I didn't take the extra, my daughter did, but I had to put it in my journal for myself, as Mae had her first dance recital yesterday.) 

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