Strike that. Reverse it!


Time to Reflect!

Every now and then a song or a moment hits a chord, makes me stop and think. To re-evaluate the important things in life. Over the last 13 months this has been happening more often. Blip makes me think and value all the things around me. See beauty where I perhaps wouldn't have noticed before. Its a great way to be! To wake every morning and wonder what I may blip today is such a great way to wake. Even on days when blips are hard to find there is always something that stops me in my track.

I'd love to disappear to the lakes with my camera and get some decent landscapes, it is on my blip bucket list of things to do and something to strive for. I can honestly say I have never had anything I've wanted to do or anything I've wanted to strive for before, a first for everything!

So today whilst out with a very lovely friend I quickly snapped this. I loved the tranquility and the reflections which is what made me realise how life changing blip really is and how great it is!

Ok so enough of all this mush, I'm really not a mushy person, honest ;0)

On that note, I wish you all a very happy Friday and a lovely weekend!
My Friday tune has to be Coldplay's Paradise and why because I blippin love it!!!!!

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