
By SmileyCharlie


And so it begins...

As Jess rightly points out I often fall on my feet and have found a friend with a not so humble outhouse that they lived in when they were renovating their larger country house next door. I am very pleased to be staying here until getting a test next week. Mum has done a big waitrose shop for me and I’m sure the mince pies will all be eaten before I start on the leeks and carrots that were also in the very kind offerings!

There was a scary moment when I realised I’d forgotten the travel adaptors because slowly I’ve transitioned to two pin plugs now, but Rory’s mum brought a travel adaptor round and all was well. This was the sad year I really noticed that living without hot water was much more bearable than living without an internet connection! We are all slaves to it.

I’m working from home next week anyway but I’ll let you know how cabin fever progresses. So far I cannot be bothered to move anywhere with this weather, but it’s also raining in Portugal and I’d be in curfew right now there too. One cannot win this year!

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