Celebrating the 80th birthday of Pat 2
Pat 2 is a great friend of ours who has found herself about to enter her 9th decade.
We cannot be together and Pat has invited friends to make video recordings of their birthday wishes. She would then collate them into one video using the technical expertise of yours truly.
Pat has put together a humorous Keynote Presentation featuring Pat 2’s great enthusiasm for Scrabble and Gin.
She has a script put together and we will record this over the Keynote.
Putting all of the contributions together and converting the result into a video that can be sent to the Contributors and to Pat 2 takes most of the day.
We finish with a gin cocktail, after we reached The End.
Today’s Blipfoto is The End frame. The red photo is of a scooter I photographed in Paris 12 years ago.
I like Paris, and wonder when we will visit again.
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