Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

The early bird...

I was so busy catching up on Blip comments this morning (thank you all by the way) that I missed the 0715 sunrise and it was a beauty.  When MrsDB came into the office to tell me about it (0730) it was in full glow.  They normally last 5-10 minutes before fizzling out behind the trees so although there was a great temptation to rush outside I knew I'd already missed the best.  WRONG!!!  It got brighter and stronger for the next 15 minutes.  I grabbed a few shots through the window but nothing special.  (see extra) 

The Blackbird in the Hawthorn was the best shot.  I could have run outside in dressing gown and slippers but I didn't want to scare the horses.  The neighbours are no problem, they have already decided I'm quite mad.

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