
It rained heavily during the night, we need the rain so no complaints, except it left the weather unsettled today, light showers morning but a brighter afternoon.
We spent a bit of time near the Jetty at the historic information centre, learning more about those historic town, later on our travels around Busselton we cam across the old Farmhouse dated 1850, an old wattle and daub house, with an additional double stay made form limestone a few years later, overlooking the estuary it was a lovely setting for the early settlers.
A flower which i will have to google as i don't know it? growing along the hedges here in the South West.
Last but not least or 'resident' wood pigeon,  he struts around our site cooing his heart out, he is the first thing we hear in the morn and the last thing at night, sometimes all night! gotta love him..

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