Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Stag in Captivity

My usual running/walking route winds through a large park that is home to a game reserve and, among other beautiful beasts, this fine young stag. It's a shame he's kept encaged - I suppose it offers some measure of protection, given that the densely populated city with its formidable two-legged creatures and four-wheeled vehicles is not exactly wildlife-friendly.

I do enjoy stopping a moment to admire their majesty when they cluster near the fence, as they did today. The growth of that impressive rack is a sure sign that, despite sub-zero temps and flurries of snow that dance in the air (but refuse, thankfully, to settle), Spring is on its way. I just wish it weren't so darn slow. I've had quite enough of the bitter cold and will be ever so grateful when I can shed scarves and gloves to bare my limbs to the warm, regenerative sun.

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