In the Dug Hoose
The day you've all waited for. CMC has confiscated my camera. The image is supplied by someone who has donated to the fund to have me renovated.
In Stromness today I met the podgey one, i.d. was made easier because the wearer bore a t shirt stating 'I am the Podgey One'.
In rain I queued outside Argo's for 17 minutes. I got talking to a man who isn't happy with things at the Warbeth cemetery. When I got inside the shop I couldn't remember what I'd gone in for. Not having my phone I couldn't contact the Current Mrs Creel. A flash of inspiration and I bought the Brillo pads. On arriving back at base I was bollocked and sent back for icing sugar.
Earlier I was left to my own devices. CMC went with her sister to the craft fair at Skaill House; on her return CMC advised me I'd achieved very little.
Plus ça change.
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