(wine) testing day

The title is a bit of a stretch...but you get my meaning!
We got a call first thing saying Nate's PCR test was booked for late morning. We got there and saw (at a distance) various other class mates. It was pretty traumatic for the poor boy, but thankfully quick.We should get results Monday afternoon, and if he's negative Asha can go back to School, the next day but he'll need to stay home in case he develops symptoms. It's going to be a long old stretch til school restarts in January!
Our lovely Caña Club friends have offered shopping help, and Claire came and dropped a bag of cards, wine and chocolate at our door! Wine here blipped! Nate's gone to bed cuddling the card she wrote him. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) It being the end of the day - my head's been pounding today.
2) Not having long to wait for Nate's test.
3) Having a lovely flat to isolate in. 

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