
By ayearinthelife

Return to Sender

Or, more accurately, deliver to the correct address! I have to say that as mis-deliverys go, this was one of the best! Wrong name, wrong street, wrong post code and post town incorrectly spelt. The only thing right was the house number and the county! I wouldn’t mind so much except that we only had two items of post and the other one was a correctly addressed Christmas card. You might think something would have sounded a faint warning bell in postie’s brain if he happened to look at both cards side by side, but I guess they’re probably somewhat overworked at this time of year - and the additional post due to Covid won’t be helping!
Anyway, I knew where it should have been delivered to and it was within walking distance so, once the rain finally stopped, I went out for a walk with Mrs C and delivered the card to its rightful recipients on the way.
It was still light when we got back and it looked like the rain was going to hold off for a while longer so I quickly changed and went for a run. Not a bad time, all things considered, but I was quite a bit slower in the last kilometre. I always take off my glasses when I’m out running but that means I struggle to make out obstacles and approaching pedestrians clearly as it gets darker, so have to be a bit more cautious. Well, that’s my excuse anyway, and I’m sticking to it!!
At least I’ve managed to get a run in this weekend - when I looked at the forecast on Friday it seemed a very remote possibility.
Hopefully, there will be similar opportunities next week as I’m really enjoying my running at the moment - I even get a sort of perverse pleasure out of the cold and damp conditions!

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