Hermitage of Braid & other stuff!

Another very dark and rainy day. Got soaked on my morning walk but fortunately managed to do my whole afternoon walk through the Hermitage of Braid without it raining. However it was very muddy so I was absolutely filthy by the time I got home. I didn't get into trouble though cos it wasn't my fault. Also, although it might look like we were the only people in the Hermitage it was actually ridiculously busy considering it was such a horrible day. I was very good and didn't do any of my silly 'jumping up' at anyone. Maybe I'm finally turning into a big grown up dog ?!

Oh and just to digress slightly.................... has anyone else in Edinburgh read the report on Edinburgh Live about how there are now 2 rats to every one person in Edinburgh?!! We only mention it because we walked past Blackford Pond this afternoon and there are loads of rats that live there.

…....................And the other thing that Ann did today.......................... I had home alone snooze time while she went to get her flu jab. She was dreading it because she'd heard horrific stories of the 'over 70s' going to the drive through centres, waiting more than 3 hours, and then getting to the front of the queue and being told there was no vaccine left and to come back the following day. So no way was Ann going to go to a 'drive thru'. She went to the walk in centre at Gracemont Medical Centre, fully expecting there to be a massive queue of people waiting in the rain, and fully expecting to walk away because there was no way she was going to stand in a queue for hours on end. There were NO queues so she was in and out really quickly and the staff were lovely. Well done NHS.

So here we are. Another Saturday night, home alone together. When Ann looks back at BLIP and her memories on Facebook, life was so much different a year ago. For months now everybody has been saying, 'this time next year', but we've all pretty much been in 'prison' for 9 months now and OK a vaccine might be imminent but Ann reckons its going to be at least Easter before she's eligible to get it. And to be honest, she's not 100% sure whether she'd want it anyway. Vaccines normally take years to develop and this one has been produced in a few months. Who knows what the long term effects of it are going to be?

Oh well ho hum, I'm snoozing so Ann says she'll spend some time doing her Christmas jigsaw.


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