
By Igor

it's the Apple shop Jim, but not as we know it

We've been worrying about this for days.  At a certain age you worry about a lot of things that don't even register on younger peoples' radar.

Sian's MacBook has broken (long story) and somehow Anniemay is charged with taking it into the Apple store for repair (even longer story).

The only slot available is 9.45am on a Saturday morning.  This morning.

Central Milton Keynes is madness on any Saturday morning - but even more so in the run up to Christmas.  We envisage getting up around 5.30am to be there by about 6.00 in order to get a parking space.  We'll take flasks and sandwiches, obviously.  This, we realise, is even more madness.  

Common sense eventually prevails and after a lot of humming and hawing and calculations about potential traffic flow, we set off at 9.00am arriving 15 minutes later.  

We find a free (and 'free') parking space outside the nearest entrance.  There are not many people about and we have time for a quick raid on the M&S food hall for a few Christmas treats before making our way to the Apple Store.  This is where all the people are.

We join the queue and settle in for a long wait.  We regret not bringing the flasks and sandwiches.  And the M&S food is now in the boot of the car.

And then, as if in a scene from a movie, we're plucked from the back of the queue and escorted into the store; "It's like being in a movie" says Anniemay.

It's virtually empty inside; I've never seen it like this before.  We mention this to the Apple Genius.  He rolls his eyes; it transpires that the people outside have ordered things on-line but have decided to collect them instead of delivery.  On a Saturday morning before Christmas.  Now that is madness.  (And very silly).

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