Yellow roses

It's Darcie's 40th birthday today. Normally there would have been a proper celebration - her 30th birthday party 10 years ago was fabulous - but instead today Mr hazelh cycled to her house to deliver a birthday card, and tomorrow we both plan to pop over to drop off some presents.

When I walked into our kitchen at lunchtime I saw these roses still wrapped in cellophane on the table. I assumed that they were for Darcie, but no - they were for me as a wee present from my husband :-) Later in the day Jon called at the front door, also with presents for us, so we made quite a haul today.

Work-wise it's been another day spent mainly on conference calls (five Teams meetings) with email shovelling in between. We also engaged in three social calls tonight: with Mr hazelh's sister Sam, Mummy hazelh, and the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre. I'd like to think that I might be able to take a rest from conference calls over the weekend, but there are already two in the diary.

No exercise today.

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