Golden brown, texture like sun
A n enjoyable lap of CK heath with Indie, then off to BT to meet up with Sandra & Angie, two ladies I worked with when we were volunteers at the DPHT. I left last year, the DPHT work with young adults with learning difficulties obviously on hold during Covid. We had a walk through Parke, a National Trust property & estate. Twaz a tad mucky underfoot but we managed to get around without any incidents. The young beech trees hanging on to their leaves, looking glorious in the sunshine. Plenty of folks and dogs enjoying the sunshine. A coffee outside under a brolly back at the cafe to finish. Perfect!!
That's about it for today
I made cottage pie for dinner. Empty plates so I guess it passed muster. ;-)
Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday .. okay so it's not a flower, tiz pretty though.
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