Smart Shopping

I’ve been using Sainsbury’s smart shop app for ages. Scan and pack as you go. Fab.

But our store’s wifi had been struggling and recently I’ve not been able to connect.
Not so smart after all.

Today I used my data but that gave up in one particular area of the store.
Having scanned a load of shopping, I asked for help from an assistant as I couldn’t connect via data or wifi.

She explained what we have to do now which was quite complicated and involved receiving a code via text.
Such a palaver but it now works and will do (so she tells me) from now on.
Top marks to the assistant who helped.

They’re going to put up signs next week telling customers what to do.
I wonder if it’s a little bit too late but at least they’re sorting it.

So here’s my smart shopping in the boot of the car.
Lots of Christmas goodies in there :)

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