
Over to see the son with some clear packaging tape. And actually his bike workshop is looking surprisingly organised. 
Then a call in at Toby’s to pick a selection of beers. I asked him how he felt about Edinburgh staying in Tier 3 but he says going to Tier 2 wouldn’t have been that much of an advantage as they couldn’t open, not having a kitchen. It’s going to be a long time till we’re out of all this - the oldies should all be vaccinated by spring but the covid continues transmission amongst the young people. Wales seems to be struggling - having gone through a circuit breaker for several weeks and then slackened off, numbers are back to where they were. 
Later, an enjoyable zoom session. MrW reports young men (in their 40s..) gathering outside up at the canal with deck chairs to sup, and MrT reports that there is a similar group regularly in the tunnel at Colinton, complete with an outdoor heater. I have a deck chair! Maybe I should start the Wardie Bay drinkers group. Certainly no need for a fridge.  

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