Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I find all the mining stuff around here pretty cool. I am from Essex so grew up with Romans and witches, we didn't have mining stuff.

Today it was working. Don't know what it was doing but it was cool to see the wheels go round.

This is the winding house at Bestwood Country Park. We stopped off after dropping Mr Mouse of at the hospital, today was camera day.

The park didn't go so well. I trod in dog poo then got lost (I've only been a a couple of times) and then on our way to the play park little mouse declared he wanted go go home. Once we were back at the car he then started shouting because he wanted to go to the park. But I did at least get the opportunity to test the harness we have been sent to review (i really liked it).

Once home I did manage to catch the lady from nursery who called me as I was driving. His application has all gone through they have space and his first settling in session will be Monday 4th Jan. I never expected to send him to nursery. We did talk about it when he turned 3 and we were first eligible for 15 funded hours but it wasnt what we wanted and he had the children's centre. He came with me to boobie club each week (breastfeeding support. I am a peer supporter) and then went along to crèche whenever I had training or courses there so we felt that was all we needed. But of course 2020. Groups stopped and I feel very much that children not in any formal care have been forgotten about. It was a few months ago it started but he keeps saying he wants a friend. It broke my heart the first time he said that. So we found a nursery we feel we can be happy with. It's attached to our first choice school so fingers crossed it all goes well. I am actually feeling excited for him. I feel its the right move.

I then got the call to pick up Mr Mouse and when I got there apprently they abandoned the camera and did surgery instead. So yay the lump has been removed and clearly they don't think anything is wrong with his lungs if they felt they didn't need to have a look. Fingers crossed it doesn't grow back this time. But I got lost walking back to the carpark or rather I though I was somewhere different and couldn't find the car and it was all just too much for me. Its all been a bit too much for me for weeks but this was breaking point and I just burst into tears. A lovely lady helped us and i found the right carpark and the car with the dog inside who was thankfully waiting calmly (ferds separation anxiety has never got any better and on the rare occasions I have no choice but to leave him in the car he either barks constantly and becomes frantic or I hear a bark or two as I walk away but then he settles).

I never did take little mouse to the play park as promised. But we did play trains. And paw patrol.

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